
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Function Girl

School is right around the corner for me so I'm working on gathering all my favorite posters and making a few of my own.

I found an awesome blog by Sarah with algebra aerobics stick figures. Unfortunately there were a few functions that I teach that were missing so I decided to make my own. Here is the pdf file. Hope you all enjoy.

Functions represented in the pdf download are: Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Absolute Value, Radical, Rational, Exponential (Growth & Decay), Sine, & Cosine. All functions are also completed showing the reflection. I have not included the logarithmic or other trigonometric functions as I do not teach them. One day I'm sure I'll have to expand but for now this is what I use in my classroom.


  1. I've used Sarah's function man ... love your function girl!

  2. This is absolutely adorable and totally creative and cute. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you for sharing. My students love using this for a review of parent functions. Any chance you can switch the inequality signs on the exponential decay functions?
