Well tomorrow is the big day!! I'm really nervous, I spent so much time this first week of teacher workdays decorating that I feel a little uneasy about tomorrow. But I'm going in early just to get a little more focused and prepared. I loved all the posters Sarah created this summer that I even got inspired to do a few of my own. My room is still a work in progress because you can only laminate so fast. I've only had my laminator less than a week and I'm already obsessed. It's amazing and so much better than the cheap laminate they buy for the schools. Of course I laminated all my awesome posters but I have also started laminating my card sorts so they last over the next few years.
So let's get to the good stuff... here are my classroom photos for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.
Love Sarah's mathy welcome sign... get it
View from the front door... I decided to go back to the group seats hoping it goes well.
I'm so happy about this bookcase!! Luckily the new art teacher needed the extra floor space and I was around when she wanted to move it out. I'll be using the top four shelves to organize papers that need to be handed out or workbooks for students not sure yet. The bottom three shelves will be for student notebooks since I have tons of kids that prefer to leave their books in my room. I do to that way we don't have the issue of I left it in my locker/car/home.
This table is for organizing class materials. The papers on the left are missing assignment form, off task form, and tardy forms. The labeled box in the middle/bottom is where they places the forms. The box on middle/top is full or markers, colored pencils, and sharpeners. The box on the right is for each class period to turn in assignments.
Luckily I have a good amout of bulletin boards in my classroom. If you love my sudoku board check it out
here. The white board in the middle with the yellow border is really old and not really useable so this year I'll be creating a word wall or reference board. I think on the far left bulletin board I'm going to post our class photos (hopefully I make time to do that).
Here are some reference posters that students may need to look at daily. I posted these on the front wall beside my teaching table near the brightlink board.
Here are the
mistakes are expected, respected, inspected, and corrected posters by Sarah. I swear she comes up with some of the most meaningful posters and ideas ever!! Also her
sentence starters posters.
Loving my
function girl posters!! I may reprint to one function per page but I am hoping to fill up my cabinets with other reference posters.
The shoe hanger holds colored pencils that students use daily, table has whiteboards & rags, and calculator caddies for storage.
Last year I decided I wanted to have a special place for dry erase markers so I could see how many were either dying or disappearing. This was an awesome idea that helped students remember to put their markers back at the end of the class period. Also if you notice they are upside down so we get the most out of the ink!!
This project was super simple: (1) laminate poster (2) add velcro dots where you want the markers (3) add the other piece of velcro to the marker
This is the back of my room. I love the number & colored pennants I got from target last year they make the room so colorful & cheery. This picture also shows the carts I'll be using for students to stand at the back of the room if they get tired or need to move a little. I also have seat cushions, I'm hoping to create a floor spot but for now they will just use as comfort at their desks.
The above picture also shows all the copied papers I already have for my classes. I'm so excited to have all but one unit of notes prepared & copied for my Adv Functions class. I have four units prepared & copied for my Math 1 class. I'm hoping to create their notebooks on day two and be ready to rock and roll for a long while.
Well that's my room, hopefully in inspires someone out there. I'm really please with the outcome this year. Hoping this school year will be my best year YET!