
Monday, May 29, 2017

Simplifying Radical Expressions Dry Erase Templates

Today I want to share another dry erase template with you that I tweeted about last week on simplifying square roots. This is probably the most retweets I've had yet so I know that you guys are looking forward to this file!!

I also created a different version for cube roots since we cover this in math 2 as well. Hope you guys enjoy. I haven't had the chance to use these yet since we are now finishing up our last week of classes and exams start next week but I'm super excited to use this template next year. I think having a printed copy of all the perfect square and cube numbers will help remind students which numbers need to be factors of the original number. 

This idea was sparked first by seeing Sarah's version (pictured below) which is pretty cool too. She uses the birthday cake method of finding the prime factorization of a number. Check it out here.

If you notice in the tweet pictured I forgot to list my prime numbers like Sarah has in hers so I made another file with the primes. This will be more helpful to students when they are looking for their stop number in my method.

Now in my method the stop number will NOT always be a prime number like 30 for example. This number is a stop number bc the perfect squares below the number (4, 9, 16, 25) do not divide evenly into that number and the next perfect square (36) is too big. I tell my students when trying to find factors if the perfect square number they are trying is bigger than the number in their tree then it is a stop number and that it stays under the radical. This method may seem harder than taking the prime factorization of a number but with larger numbers it goes faster and has less work so I guess that is why I like it better.

Here are the two versions I have for Simplifying Square Roots

Squares - Version 1 (without primes):

Squares - Version 2 (with primes):

Here are the two versions I have for Simplifying Cube Roots

Cubes - Version 1 (without primes):

Cubes - Version 2 (with primes):

Student Work Examples:

If you would like to download these files you can find them below:

Simplifying Square Roots (without primes)
Simplifying Square Roots (with primes)

Simplifying Cube Roots (without primes)
Simplifying Cube Roots (with primes)

Do you want to see more of my dry erase templates???

Check out these other blog posts below:

Also in the future all of my resources will be uploaded in a google doc with links to each blog post so you can find things nice and easy. You can find these resources in the virtual filing cabinet tab on my blog page.

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